Nathan Looks Great

Everyday when i look at him i am smiling because i know he will grow fast just like his brother Chris. I notice that he listen when i talk, when he heard a noise, when his brother touch him and when his daddy sing a song for him. Some people said that he looks like his brother and I agree with that since i look the picture of Chris when he was a little baby they look similar. Well, we will see if what he really looks like when he will be big more bigger than now. Have a wonderful day.


☆Mama Ko☆ said...

He is getting bigger na gyud

LN said...

Your little one looks so precious... cutie :D I miss my babies being that small...

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Bambie dear ♥ said...

Hi :) I was reading my pmb notifications in my mail so i dropped by here. What a cute a baby.. He's like an angel :) Naalala ko tuloy nung baby pa lil girl ko.. they just grow up so fast..