Historic Homes

Do you like historic homes? Last week we went to an Azalea festival and i saw many historic homes everywhere. One of this was the one below that was built 108 years ago. This houses are old but they are still beautiful, huge and solid. They built their homes very strong that even hundreds of years it will never be destroyed. There are some homes that are built in the 1800's and all of them are huge houses just like castles. Anyway, thanks for coming by...Have a great day.

Scenic Sunday


Janice said...

I love your photos. And I do love historic homes. :D

Anyway, I am giving you the Versatile Blogger award. :D Check it out on my blog, http://flippertail.blogspot.com/2011/04/im-versatile-blogger.html. Have a great day!

Jim said...

It looks beautiful.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

eileeninmd said...

It is a lovely home and your photo is wonderful.

Chie Wilks said...

i love historic adventurs..i love to enter those historic houses

my scenic photos are up